Finally, it's time to switch our beloved square player out with a legit sprite. We'll use a character generated from Deekay Motion's Deekay Tool, an After Effects plugin available for trial on
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Published 3 years ago
Finally, it's time to switch our beloved square player out with a legit sprite. We'll use a character generated from Deekay Motion's Deekay Tool, an After Effects plugin available for trial on
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i have got this far and finished it on my own but im just curious is there a way to put checkpoints seeing how so far if i fall off the canvas we use the init function to restart the game but what if instead of that can i do checkpoints like where i can have a flag and if the player falls off after touching the flag intead of using the init to reastart i want the player to go to the flag instead is it possible to do that and if i can do it would be great if you could help me out how to do it i did discord dm you the same question but in my opinion i think this might be a better way to reach out to you.