Want to learn more about this course before buying? Check out its detailed landing page here: https://chriscourses.com/threejs-bundle
Practical Three.js development is rarely taught these days, but let's see if we can fix that—this course aims to demystify the process of developing an interactive 3D environment in the browser.
Here you'll learn everything you need in order to get up and running with your own Three.js themed website. You'll learn how to set up a development environment with Vite, how to create geometries, materials, and meshes, how to alter geometries dynamically, and how to integrate a slider interface to edit your meshes real time.
Later in the course, you'll learn how to take things to the next level by adding a star-field, animating your text and camera movement, and finally, you'll refactor your piece into a seamless single page app using Nuxt.js.
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all I get is a flickering line not a box object anyone else have an issue. Tried 3 times and copy & pasted his code into the editor and got the same thing ...any help