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Deploy Nuxt with Netlify

Published 3 years ago

Nuxt is great for single page app development, but it can be a little tricky deploying your site so that it's live on the web.

Here, I'll show you one method for deploying a Nuxt site: Netlify.

Netlify is a cloud hosting and build provider that'll run all the necessary steps to get your site up and running on an actual URL. One of the coolest things about (which I admittedly forgot to mention in the video) is that it has automatic deploys, meaning, whenever you push a change up to your Git repo, Netlify will automatically update your site URL with all of your new code.

You'll need a GitHub and Netlify account in order to complete this tutorial, both which are free:

In the end, you'll have your site up and running on a Netlify generated URL, but you'll have to purchase a domain and continue with Netlify's steps on your own if you'd like to go further.


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