The next step is to declare a property within your class' curly brackets. There are a couple hundred properties in which you can choose from to stylize your HTML, but in the end, you'll probably only use somewhere around 20-30 throughout your day-to-day development.
One property you'll definitely use is the color
property, which determines the color of the text within your HTML.
A CSS property is declared by adding the property name followed by a colon, then stating what value you'd like the property to be set to, ended with a semicolon.
So if I were to set the .text-blue
class to take a property that actually turns text blue, I'd write it like so:
.text-blue {
color: blue;
Here, the CSS property "color" can be set in a number of formats:
Color name
rgba(0, 255, 0, 1)
hsl(240, 100%, 100%)
Any of these formats would successfully turn your text blue, how they work though is probably good to save for another lesson down the road.
For a complete set of what colors you can set the color property to, check out:
You can also see a complete list of possible CSS properties you can use at:
Write a CSS property for your .text-green
class that sets its color to the keyword value green