Hi Hindrik - looks like you may need to set your canvas' width and height using innerWidth
and innerHeight
from the browser's window object like so:
canvas.width = innerWidth
canvas.height = innerHeight
You can set the width and height using CSS, but it usually has some adverse effects when working with the canvas tag unfortunately. So go ahead and give that a go, and let me know if that fixes it 🙌
Just made a CodePen in which you can see the button clicks working after adding those two lines: https://codepen.io/chriscourses/pen/dyWRMar
Hi Chris another thing when I log in to the site I always got a message that the PW is wrong and when I type in the same PW everything works fine. This happens every time. What to do it works but is annoying/H
Hi Hindrik, sorry, just saw this! I need to add a notification system that shoots me a message whenever someone replies to a thread I've commented on.
Do you have some sort of password manager or form filler in place? I'll check out the input fields and see if there's anything that may be causing the inputs to change at some point. Will also see if I can extend the session duration so you stay logged in longer.
Thanks for the input and feedback, it all helps in making this site as great as possible 🙌
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