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sorry first post here didn't give it the canvas tag and not sure how to lol
actually I figured it out fellas! incase anybody else is curious I replaced the start of my animate script with this:
function animate() {
const animationId = window.requestAnimationFrame(animate);
// Clear the canvas
c.clearRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);
// Check if the camera has reached the end of the canvas
const reachedEndX = player.position.x < offset.x || player.position.x > offset.x + canvas.width;
const reachedEndY = player.position.y < offset.y || player.position.y > offset.y + canvas.height;
// Render the game elements
if (reachedEndX || reachedEndY) {
// Render black background
c.fillStyle = 'black';
c.fillRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);
} else {
// Render the image background
// Render the rest of the elements
renderables.forEach((renderable) => {
let moving = true;
player.animate = false;
if (battle.initiated) return;
// Rest of the code...
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