chris posted 20 days ago

Hi Vitali, I'm working through a Zelda-like top-down game now which I hope to have done in a week or two. Thinking about doing the JS course right after. Is there any particular topic you'd like covered within it?

Here's what I'm thinking:

  • The basics

    • var, let, const

    • semicolons

    • naming conventions

    • functions

    • types

  • Logic

    • If statements

    • Switch statements

    • Operators

    • Equal vs double equal

  • Loops

    • For loop

    • While loop

    • do while loop

    • .forEach

    • .map

    • .filter

  • Classes

    • Properties

    • Instantiation

    • Inheritance

  • Introduction to basic interactivity with Vanilla JS

    • DOM

    • Grabbing elements

    • Event listeners

    • Changing elements

  • Data fetching

    • fetch

    • Callback functions

    • Promises

    • Async await

  • NPM

    • Installation

    • Adding / removing packages

    • Helpful packages

    • Basic server setup with node

  • When to use libraries like React / Vue

  • Putting it all together to develop a full frontend app using pure JS (Vue course to follow up)


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